Justin Svec


Economics and Accounting

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Columbia University

Fields: Macroeconomics, Political Economy

CV (PDF) 罈

Email: jsvec@holycross.edu
Office Phone: 508-793-3875
Office: Stein 513
PO Box: 87A



The Roundness of Antiquity Valuations from Auction Houses and Sales with Melissa Boyle.  Eastern Economic Journal, forthcoming. 

with Robert Baumann.  The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Contributions), 16 (2), 837863.  2016.

with Bryan Engelhardt.  Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 19 (1), 65-76. 2016.

with James Hamilton.  Constitutional Political Economy, 26 (4), 434-441, 2015.

with Timothy Hubbard. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 17: 916942. 2015.

with Robert Baumann and Francis Sanzari (Class of 2011).  Eastern Economic Journal, 41 (3), 443-458.  2015.

with Ryan Chahrour.  Journal of Macroeconomics, 41, 178-198, 2014.

with Ayako Kondo. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Advances), 12 (2), article 2. 2012. 

  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36 (3), 349-368.  2012.

Working Papers

Asserting Independence: Optimal Monetary Policy When the Central Bank and Political Authority Disagree with Daniel Tortorice

Student Uncertainty and Major Choice: A Robust Control Approach with Josh Congdon-Hohman and Anil Nathan

Other Interests

Instructions (PDF)

The Game (PDF)